Thursday, February 1, 2007


Right now I'm at working anxiously awaiting a telephone call that I can take so I don't have to sit here bored beyond belief. However, I guess it's somewhat beneficial that there's no business right now because now I'm finding the time to write on my blog in which I procrastinated to write in before. I guess the biggest benefit about having a blog is that it will hopefully enliven and illuminate my usually dull, school-driven days. On this blog, I'm simply going to post and construct poems and short stories for constructive criticism, or simply for one's pleasure. If I have time I may also post pictures that I find exquisite and pulchritudinous. I'm not posting this blog so you can negatively criticize my work, nor for you to deride at, so if that's what you're planning to do, keep it to yourself.

Untitled #1 (please keep into consideration these are just rough 'demo's' that i'm going to write freestyle in a few minutes):

Is there such thing as cold? Or is it simply lack of heat?
If there's no such thing as cold, what's this feeling that I get when I see you?
It's certaintly not an empty feeling, let alone an inimical one.
Such feeling I can't explain in a multitude of words, however I can trace it down to one.
That word is love, and I can relate my love to you in every way.
Needless to say, absence of love can be fatal,
Because lush your love is the keys to start my car.
Your love is the oxygen I breath and the water I drink.
Your affection is most necessary to keep me going.
So on these cold winter nights, and you're tucked under your blankets
However the blankets don't hug you hard enough to feel balmy
I want you to think of me and the love which I embrace for you
For it exceeds the warmth that any blanket can provide you
And it exceeds any other feeling in the universe.
For when I'm with you there is such thing as cold
And there is such a thing as heat, and I find neither negative
Because you make my world, my days, my nights incandescent
And all I want to say is thank you for allowing me to be yours.

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